Seeing Around Corners: How We Got Here…And Where We’re Going
Express Talk | Plenary Session
April 15, 2019 | 2:00 p.m. – 2:25 p.m. CDT
It’s hard to believe that just two decades ago, what we now call connected health was in its infancy. We’ve learned, grown, succeeded and failed. We now have technologies available that were never even dreamed of just 10 years ago, and a convergence of market dynamics that make connected health solutions a prime driver in changing healthcare delivery, wellness and prevention.
Dr. Joe Kvedar has been a leading architect of connected health, imagining the future — and then helping to invent it. Join him and a hand-picked group of thought leaders, as they explore what the next decade will look like, to help you ‘see around corners’ and prepare for the future.
- Joseph Kvedar, MD, Vice President, Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Connected Health
Part 1 of a 4 part series.