For over 50 years, telehealth has proven to save time, save money and, most importantly, save lives. ATA is collecting research, case studies, white papers and conducting independent research to highlight the myriad values of telehealth services.
Collaborate With the ATA on Research
The ATA is dedicated to advancing knowledge, innovation, and expanding access to quality care using technology-enabled care. Research is a fundamental driving force behind these goals as it serves as a systematic exploration aimed at uncovering new insights, challenging existing paradigms, and solving complex problems. The ATA is interested in collaborating on these endeavors.
Provide High-Quality Cancer Care with Clinical Pathways
March 23, 2023
EHI & Elsevier
EHI & Elsevier
Clinical pathways enable providers to deliver evidence-based healthcare to patients. They provide treatment guidance based on the latest research and support standardization of care. Oncology practices implement pathways to ensure care is at the highest standard of quality, access, affordability, and health outcome.
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Creating a Modern Public Health System
February 23, 2023
The many barriers and delays faced by the nation as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in early 2020 should serve as lessons learned; if we wait to modernize and adequately fund public health activities until there is another crisis, it will be too late. Policymakers must act swiftly to enact meaningful reforms to ensure we are better prepared for the next public health threat.
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Maturing Virtual Care Tribal Communities
January 23, 2023
This Executive Roundtable Panel focused on how Native Americans/Alaskan Natives are using telehealth to reach patients in resource constraint communities to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion addressed the data gaps and challenges, funding sources, the existing digital divide and provider innovations in the delivery of care.
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Case Study
Improving Home Health Outcomes with Physician Services
September 14, 2022
AMD Global Telemedicine
AMD Global Telemedicine
Vulnerable populations often struggle to receive quality care, whether because of barriers to treatment such as travel, cost, limited mobility, or lack of a quality support system. Those patients with chronic conditions suffer immensely from sporadic care, which will result in costly care episodes in urgent care or the ER.
Assessment of Clinician Diagnostic Concordance With Video Telemedicine
September 7, 2022
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic
In a diagnostic study of 2393 patients who underwent a video telemedicine consultation followed by an in-person outpatient visit for the same clinical problem in the same specialty within a 90-day window, the provisional diagnosis established over video telemedicine visit matched the in-person reference standard diagnosis in 86.
Reducing Hospitalization and Cost for Medicare Beneficiaries with Heart Failure through Remote Patient Monitoring to Support Standard Provider Workflows: An Observational Study
September 1, 2022
AMC Health
AMC Health
The objective of this study is to integrate a remote monitoring program for patients with heart failure into existing patient-provider interactions (to detect pre-decompensatory trends in between face-to-face encounters and provide automated coaching and education to support the physician’s plan of care) to measure whether the program impacted all-cause admissions and total costs.
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Mental Health – a Transforming Sector Demands Tailored Solutions
August 19, 2022
Mental health is a growing market sector with significant opportunities for both insureds and insurers alike. The current market size is estimated at 21 billion USD with room to grow, with many providers seeking to provide alternative and easier-to-access treatment methods. While growth in this sector indicates mental health issues are on the rise, it also means more individuals are seeking help. Beazley has been quick to respond with bespoke coverage options for insureds facing unique challenges.
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Maternal Health in the U.S. - A Mounting Crisis
August 4, 2022
Augmenting Traditional Maternity Care with Virtual Care
Augmenting Traditional Maternity Care with Virtual Care
The Real Stories of Four Women and their High-Risk Pregnancies
The United States ranks last with the highest maternal mortality rate of 11 countries with the highest income – a little known fact for first time parents.
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Learning From the COVID Era: Technology Trends in Clinical Telehealth
June 22, 2022
AMD Global Telemedicine
AMD Global Telemedicine
Telehealth is poised to mature even more as time continues, so it’s important for organizations investing in healthcare technology to understand the current trends coming out of the pandemic rather than fall behind other healthcare providers. So where do you go from here?
Evolution of a Telehealth Risk
June 13, 2022
In recent years, the telehealth space has grown significantly, including countless new entrants into the market. These businesses can run the gamut in size. As a virtual care insurer, we see insured go from the pre-revenue phase, through IPO, and eventually to billion-dollar revenues. As these companies grow, their risk profile may shift and their insurance coverage needs may change. Coverages should be adjusted as needed to better fit their requirements throughout the business lifecycle.
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Case Study
Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital, the Daktari Smart Telemedicine Program
June 7, 2022
AMD Global Telemedicine
AMD Global Telemedicine
The Challenge:
Facilitating healthcare for the 72% of Kenyans who live outside of urban areas and face long journeys to seek care in a health system that’s already buckling from overcrowded hospitals and healthcare worker scarcity.
Testing at Home Terms Guide
June 7, 2022
The American Telemedicine Association's Home Testing Special Interest Group (SIG) has developed a glossary of key terms as part of the "Testing at Home Terms Guide" to improve understanding around the many ways that medical tests can be performed at home.
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