First Headliner Announced: Dr. Larry Sabato, NY Times best-selling author, four-time Emmy winner, and one of the nation’s most respected political analysts

WASHINGTON, DC, September 18, 2024 – The American Telemedicine Association (ATA), the only organization addressing telehealth policy from all angles – state and federal regulatory and legislative priorities, as well as international policy perspectives – is hosting the 2024 EDGE Policy Conference, December 11-13 at the Park Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC.

“With the historic presidential election in November and Congress and the administration facing critical deadlines before December 31, we risk reverting to outdated policies if no action is taken. EDGE 2024 is the perfect time to get insider perspective on what these changes mean and gain a jump on what 2025 holds for telehealth,” said Kyle Zebley, senior vice president, public policy, the ATA and executive director, ATA Action. “December will be a crossroads, when the future of virtual care will be decided. EDGE is designed to deliver keen insights and exclusive interactions with policymakers, policy strategists, and telehealth community leaders. This event will prepare your organization for the next wave of state and federal policy challenges that our industry will face.”

This year’s EDGE Policy conference will explore Proactive Policy Strategies to Support the Future of Telehealth, bringing into focus the dynamic nature of telehealth policy and an unpredictable political environment.

Taking the EDGE stage will be Dr. Larry Sabato, the founder and director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. He also heads up Sabato’s Crystal Ball, recognized by The Pew Charitable Trust as the #1 leader in the field of political prediction, and The Daily Beast designated it as one of the top political sites on the web. Dr. Sabato, a Rhodes Scholar and New York Times best–selling author, has won four Emmys, and is recognized as one of the nation’s most respected political analysts. He appears multiple times a week on national and international TV, including CNN, BBC, and CNN International, and is the author or editor of two dozen books on American politics.  Dr. Sabato will deliver a one-of-a-kind analysis of the 2024 elections, providing insights no other expert can, and helping attendees prepare for the shifting political landscape and its impact on telehealth policy.

If telehealth flexibilities are allowed to expire by December 31, this could cause healthcare delivery to revert back to pre-pandemic restrictions on access to care, with significant implications for patients and providers. EDGE2024 will convene the innovators, policymakers, and pundits from The White House to state capitals across the country, innovative approaches implemented by healthcare delivery system executives and clinicians on the front lines, and insights from telehealth policy advocates from all corners of healthcare.


Register here for the EDGE 2024 Policy Conference before October 30 to receive the Early Bird discount rate. Take advantage of exclusive group rates at the Park Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC. Reserve your room today!

MEDIA REGISTATION: Contact Gina Cella,

About the ATA

As the only organization completely focused on advancing telehealth, the American Telemedicine Association is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to safe, affordable, and appropriate care when and where they need it, enabling the system to do more good for more people. The ATA represents a broad and inclusive member network of leading healthcare delivery systems, academic institutions, technology solution providers and payers, as well as partner organizations and alliances, working to advance industry adoption of telehealth, promote responsible policy, advocate for government and market normalization, and provide education and resources to help integrate virtual care into emerging value-based delivery models.