The Long-Distance High Five: Resiliency and Team Building for Virtual Nurses


Moving from a fully bedside to hybrid onsite-remote care model can be beneficial, but it comes with unexpected challenges. This unique workflow creates a team dynamic that differs significantly from bedside care, leading to new and unexpected challenges for nurses in their roles. This can be exacerbated when you work remotely, not only with the nurses at the bedside but also with your remote Care coworkers.

In this webinar, we will identify the differences in team dynamics that are unique to telecritical care and how they can contribute to burnout in telecritical care nurses. We will discuss several applications for resiliency and team building to combat burnout in the Telecritical Care setting.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding what the barriers, or hesitancy to embrace, hybrid nursing care models by bedside care teams.
  • Learning how to develop change management that encompasses human, technology and process evolution for more successful care model adoption.
  • Evaluating success among your team and responding with agility for greater model adoption.
  • Creating champions who will become the core base to amplify excitement across your health system.

Featured Speakers:

  • Ashley Kilgore, RN, BSN – Critical Care Nurse, Veterans Administration Health Care
  • Amy Maniatis – TeleICU VISN, Veterans Administration Health Care
  • Shannon O’Toole – Director of Marketing, Enterprise Informatics, Philips


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